Polyrhythmic Beats

Solo Show at Galerie Celal, Paris, France. Opening 10 April 2014

A song is formed by a set of rhythms. I paint rhythms, deconstruct & construct them, creating a new audio visual piece of work. Transforming each rhythm into my different pictorial language. In ‘Polyrhythmic Beats’ I have merged all the styles that I have developed over the last 10 years: geometry, abstract, deconstruction, dimension & movement.

For this concept it has been very important building with points, creating infinite points from a continuous & indefinite succession that defragments the line on the plane into multiple fragments in a single dimension.

Filmed & edited by German Rigol. Music by Schemawound "Telelgraph Incantation"

Artistik Performance

Wall painted with H101 in WIP Villette, curated by Art Azoï, Paris, France. 2014

Video & editing by Cristobal Diaz, music by Bozeck

Barcelona’s Finest

Collective show with Zosen, H101, Gola in Galerie Celal, Paris, France. Opening 11 April 2011

Video by Jekyll et Hyde visions